Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is the flag of the Roma people. Since Grampop always talked about being a family of Gypsys (yes, the bright colors and wander-lust persist in alot of us), we thought using the flag would be a fun emblem. In Europe, gypsies are called the Roma people.
Here is the history of the flag:
The Roma flag is comprised of blue and green traditional colors with the red wheel in the center. Blue is the blue sky and the heavens, and symbolizes eternal spiritual values. The green is the land, organic and growing, and symbolizes earthly values. with the red sixteen-spoked chakra in the center. The wheel in the center symbolizes movement and progress, and the burst of fire from which all creation emerged at the beginning of time.This flag was approved in 1971 in a location near London at the first World Romani Congress which was funded in part by the World Council of Churches and the Indian Government; representatives from India and some 20 other countries were in attendance. At the congress, the green and blue flag from the 1933 conference, now embellished with the red, sixteen-spoked chakra, was reaffirmed as the national emblem of the Romani people, and the anthem, Dzelem dzelem, since sung at all congresses, was adopted.
source: romani.org/local/romani_anthem.html

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Last year Sally shared her Mom, MARGE's photo album. It was an amazing treasure trove spanning decades of life in our family. For one weekend I madly scanned photos and then sent them to Anthony, a true wizard bringing photos to life. It's a passion for him because he does such an amazing job. These two photos (Grammy reading the newspaper; and The Big 3) are my rough version. Soon, I'll get the "cleaned up" version uploaded.

Photo from Margie Roman Pryslak album